The Salaam Challenge

Well, Just got to know we had a task given to us- The Salaam Challenge.
I guess, that's a timely reminder that I too should start this post with a Salam.

Assalamualaikum Everyone!

So you might be curious what exactly is The Salaam Challenge...?
The Salaam Challenge is a task whereby everyday we have to give salam to one stranger at least and get a selfie with them.

Let's be honest. I was hesitant. This is going to be tough for me.
Firstly, I am the most introverted person you'll ever meet. I takes me a while to get used to new people and I am not good with crowds. Yeah, I am that couch potato but far from lazy. I am that person who goes back to her room during lunch break so she could watch Netflix alone while having lunch or maybe catch a quick nap. So yeap, it's going to be a challenge.

Secondly, a selfie...?! Ohhh For the love of God. The last thing I want is people thinking I am a creep. Haha.

However, rest assured, the mission will be executed. In Shaa Allah

Day 01:
20th March 2019
I went to class like I usually would. As I was sitting down, I figured I was just going to try my luck and see how it went. I smiled, gave salam to the person sitting beside me and offered my hand for a handshake. It went went, Alhamdulilah. No rejection. No weird looks. Nothing for that matter. If you've watched the 3 Idiots, you'd know the famous line- All is well. Yeap guys, I was so relieved. It is not that bad after all.

Day 02 onwards:
21th March 2019
I was in the mosque for Zuhr prayers. From a distance, I saw a fellow Singaporean I have not met in a while. I approached her hesitantly worried I was intruding her rest or personal time alone but gave my salam anyway. She smiled and we sat there for a good while catching up from when we last heard of each other. Alhamdulillah, I got to know her son is doing well and I shared where I went over the holidays and some travelling tips for families.
It was only the second day into the challenge and it has certainly taught me a lot.

The days following that were similar positive encounters. Moments that made my day. Precious incidents that touched my heart. By then, giving salam has became a habit, a good one. 

For instance, I was on my way back after a long day, I saw a sister looking somewhat listless sitting outside the class I was supposed to enter except, the class had been cancelled. So I decided to approached her. No harm asking if she knew the class had been cancelled right? I gave my salam as usual and asked if we were in the same class True enough, she did not know about the cancellation and she was not part of the class chat group. We exchanged numbers and I added her in. Soon after, I found out her father was in the hospital, not in the best shape and passed on a few days later. That was difficult. May she be granted strength and patience.

Day 32,
20th April 2019
My reflections throught this journey? Yeap, as of now, it is a journey that will continue for the rest of my life. It was no longer a challenge after the first day. SubhanAllah, these people I met for mere seconds, have taught me many lessons about life without them realising. Their smiles and kind gestures have made my heart full. I pray that they will always be under Allah's protection, be granted nothing but only the goodness and happiness in life, and continue to be the nicest most humblest people I have known while their names be mentioned by the inhabitants of the skies and heavens. Amin. I cannot help but be grateful to Allah, the Most Loving one for showing me the love He has for His believers, the Most Gentle, Kind and the Knower of all subtleties for subtly allowing me t cross paths with all these amazing people throughout this journey. I am writing this with a smile and a new outlook on life. Tonight, I am a changed person.

"Our Lord, Let not our hearts deviate after you have guided us." (Al-'Imran:8)

Ps. what about their selfies? I believed the stories I've shared are personal and with all due respect, I would appreciate some anonymity. Let their stories do justice and inspire others like how I benefited from them, In Shaa Allah.

Signing off,


  1. nice sharing and well-experienced. "smile and spread salam :)


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