USRAH 2: The Akhlaq of Our Prophet

As-salāmu ʿalaykum

Hi Everyone!

It has been a while. I am writing another reflection, except I am now in Usrah 2 with a new group of sisters, with new experiences, and hopefully with some form of growth as a person as compared to the last time I was here, In Shaa Allah. ( A wishful thinking, perhaps.)

This reflection shall be on the topic presented by my group - The Akhlaq of Our Prophet peace be upon him.

Briefly, There are 4 Prophetic Attributes: 
1. Siddiq (Truthful in words and actions)
2. Fatanah (Full of wise and wisdom)
3. Amanah (Trustful Personality)
4. Tabligh (Skillful) 

Just like how Rasulullah was sent as mercy to the World and to perfect honorable morals, We all know that The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the best role model.
More often than not, we all strive to emulate these attributes in our life.

I believe these attributes  are crucially necessary to portray a healthy image of Islam. We are the living representative of Islam. With many social platforms available, Wouldn't you think it would be of a good tool for us muslims to carry out da'wah. Yeah, regardless of not being an asatizah, as long as we embody the Islamic faith, we would naturally tend to reflect Islam in everything that we do, or at least try to. Just like when we work for a company, we comply and abide by the company's values and principles.

Being in tertiary education, whenever I look around at my fellow sisters and brothers in Islam, I see the future lawyers, engineers, educators, politicians who will be the building blocks of a great future. Having leaders that emulate the Prophetic Attributes in making important decisions in their respective fields in itself is an ideal role model and a powerful form of Da'wah. 

The year is coming to an end and while we are planning our list of resolutions for the coming year, let's start with one attribute next year. Everything has their firsts right? This could be one too! 

Signing off,


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