USRAH 2: Taaruf with different personalities

As-salāmu ʿalaykum

It's Week 14 and I hope everyone is well and healthy despite the infamous end-of-the-semester syndrome. Genuinely praying that everyone is granted strength and patience to pull through this, In Shaa Allah.

Here's a new post on a reflection I have on a topic that I find the most interesting this Usrah.
Taaruf with different personalities.

When we look around us and when we interact with people, we come to realize that everyone has their unique traits and personalities. There are those we call them the life of the party who tries their best to put a smile on their friends' faces and find contentment knowing their friends are happy. We have those who are man of few words, who rarely joins in the conversation but when they do, their words are beautiful and full of wisdom. We have those whose presence are a comfort on days we just could not utter a word without crying. We also have those people who silently prays for the wellbeing of others with every prostration.

Imagine a world where everyone is a carbon copy of each other? What a boring world that would be. Everything would be predictable and mundane, perhaps.

These people have essential roles in our lives. They are god-sent for us to find solace in and they could also be a source of lessons for us. These are individuals who unknowingly have contributed to the growth of a person.
Even the strangers we see walking in the streets to the tiny ants on the ground could be lessons for us if we only allow it to. A friend of mine used to find me weird for not killing or sweeping away an ant or an insect if it gets on my things, but I however would go to the nearest safe place and gently put it down ensuring it is out of harms way. Why would I do that you would ask. Ever heard of the conversation between Prophet Sulaiman and the ant?

.And gathered for Solomon were his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds, and they were [marching] in rows. Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not." So [Solomon] smiled, amused at her speech, and said, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants."

Here's the thing. It is easy to just dismiss a tiny creature and find it insignificant but they are living too. Just like you and me, I am merely just an individual among more than 7 billion people on this Earth. Am I insignificant? Of course not. 

This topic has made me reflect on the people around me and has made me appreciate their unique contribution to my life. Ultimately, We are not just merely a person, we are all full of potentials and we all have our journeys in these life.
These different personalities are assets we can tap into for different approaches when it comes to Da'wah or diverse experiences that can be a tool to help a person. 

I wish everyone the best for their exams. Bittaufeeq wan Najaah!

Signing off,


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