As-salāmu ʿalaykum.

    It is time of the semester again! I would drop by at the end of the semester for a bit and share some reflections on how my semester had been in general and how my Usrah Budi sessions went. I enjoy reading my past post and reminiscing on how much I have grown as a person with every semester and Usrah Budi. Alhamdulillah. So....Hi again, I guess.

    For Usrah Budi this time round, we were assigned to make a poster that will be posted on the social media platform. My group decided to choose a simple message that would promote actions that are achievable yet allows a person the sense of satisfaction when they are carried out. Hence, our message is on the Forgotten Sunnah Before Bedtime

    Despite our hectic schedules, we managed to make time and come together to design this poster. Honestly, for some reason, I was glad we had this assignment because I had a reason to escape the pile of research papers I had to complete and don't get me started on the references I had to read. Aigooo. Contributing to this poster was definitely a therapy and a blessing much needed. Something I did not expect  to feel while doing this assignment. I initially thought I would just breeze through this assignment and get over with it. But, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah it has been enjoyable. Basically, here's the poster that we came up with.

     These Prophetic traditions are simple enough that we had no specific target group. They are relevant to all walks of life. In fact, most importantly, it has taught an Islamic Jurisprudence Major like myself to return to the simple things in life. This is because, I am so used to focusing on complicated Fiqh issues that sometimes, I tend to forget that Islam is actually not complicated. Allah has made it so easy for us to gain rewards through small actions that we do everyday whether consciously or instinctively, intentionally or unintentionally. Again, Alhamdulillah.

    Overall, I strive to hopefully be able to remind myself of this takeaways that I gained through this experience. Instead of only aiming for the big idealistic ibadah, I should work on what is easily achievable and can be done consistently, In Shaa Allah.

  Signing off,



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